For some reason LJ truncates my @ reply tweets :/

For some reason LJ truncates my @reply tweets :/

That just seems weird to me.

So, I’m putting together this blog post thing at where people can talk about books and movies they’ve made, or that they just really like and want to talk about. There’s an easy form to fill out if people want to talk about particular things. I get a text file on my end so I can put together a post.

I don’t want to get a lot of spam, but I think this will be a lot of fun. I do like having lots of different stuff showing on my site, and I’m sure people get tired of seeing the same thing all the time. Plus it’s cool helping people out.

I like saying, “Sure, I’ll totally pimp your shit!”

I’m really hoping I get my shit together. I’ve had to put off writing for the last few days while I work on the business side of things. Suxor.

You know when you totally hate your boss? That’s me right now…

I’m the boss

… And my boss is a real bitch 😦 She’s lazy too, and always distracts everyone with her talk of The Hillywood Show and jalapeno spaghetti.

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