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Micro-biography: Born in Washington State, I’ve lived in Nevada and Oklahoma, and am currently living in Washington. I live with my young nephew and niece and my Labrador retriever/husky, Kahluah.

Interests: I’ve always loved sci-fi and fantasy for books and movies, but I also have an interest in thrillers and character pieces. I guess I’ve always just kind of been drawn to people. I also like comedies, which kind of shows up in some of the quirky things I toss into my stories with no warning whatsoever. Sorry.

Things I write: I have an incredibly varied taste in books I read, which I guess has translated into a mixed taste in writing. To that effect, I have found a fondness for Fernando Pessoa and his heteronyms. And so, these are mine:

Harper Kingsley–science fiction and fantasy. My more serious writings, though not too serious. Some gen-het, largely light mm.
Sol Crafter–mm romance. Contemporary, science fiction, and fantasy.
Linnea Kingsley–science fiction and fantasy. Some mm, some gen-het, all character driven even at the cost of story.
Lisa Bailey–YA, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary. gen-het.
Helicia Forester–horror. Darker stories. gen-het.

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